Thursday, March 12, 2009
"Great Past - Greater Future, an Incredible Call to Serve:
Influencing the World for the Cause of Christ."
Greetings in the name the great teacher, Jesus the Christ.
The Eleventh Episcopal District Board of Christian Education is thrilled to embark on this initiative for Christ. It is the goal of the Christian Education Connector to assist, provide, expose, and empower lay and clergy, youth and adults, christian education directors and church school superintendents at all levels of the Eleventh with the tools to effectively influence the world for the cause of Christ.
Under the capable leadership of the editor, Rev. Kennetta Carter, supported by the Board of Christian Education, the Christian Education Connector will cover a multiplicity of topics including; Developing an Effective and Strong Christian Education Department, African American History,and Evangelism. Each issue of the Christian Education Connector will offer thought starters on creative ways to promote Christian development through innovative and relevant educational models, sermons, worship bulletins, mailings, liturgy, music to name a few. The Christian Education Connector will include liturgy and worship resources that may be downloaded for use in the local setting.
The Christian Education Connector will also make extensive use of the wealth of talented and diverse voices from across the District as we invite persons who honor our collective great past, who are committed to our collective greater future and who have a passion for service and influencing the world for the cause of Christ.
The Eleventh Episcopal District Board of Christian Education and I are excited and thankful for the opportunity to serve the Church Universal in this capacity.
Joy L. Gallmon
Director of Christian Education
Eleventh Episcopal District